All The Bells & Whistles

The whole shebang! This option includes all the Legal Documentation that is needed, plus our Planning Meeting, and any guidance or assistance you might want along the way.

This means:

  • Unlimited contact time over phone/email. And sometimes we might just have to get together again for a coffee, beer or wine (my arm can always be twisted) if it suits us both.

  • I am at your disposal. I want you to feel very comfortable with me as your Celebrant.

  • And finally, The Ceremony. It is your day and I am happy, if you are happy.

  • I will take care of all your legal documents and register your marriage with the Dept. of Births, Deaths and Marriages in the days following your wedding.



While the Kettle Boils

If you are looking for something super simple but much more intimate than the local Court House. You can choose anywhere in the Yeppoon CBD and I will meet you there. You might want it in the back yard of your ‘castle’ for something close to the heart. For those of you who have no need for or don’t want any of the frills. It takes no longer than it takes for a kettle to boil, while we cross the t’s and dot the i’s for a ‘Legals Only’ marriage, with just the two of you and two witnesses.


Alternatively, if you both would like to choose somewhere that is special to you, in or around Yeppoon, for a ‘Legals Only’, I would be happy to meet you there.

To be discussed

Vow Renewal, Commitment & Baby Naming

Wanting to add that extra something special to a milestone in you life?

Vow Renewals/Commitment Ceremonies can be the celebration of a 1st Wedding Anniversary to celebrating a lifetime together. Relationships change over the years and, so might your Vows.

Baby Naming Ceremonies are such a meaningful time for parents, family, friends and guardians. It is a time of making heartfelt promises of love, life and happiness that will see your little bundle through their life and all that lies ahead of them.

I would love to help you facilitate your special day.


To be discussed……….


Life Celebrations

The celebration of someone’s life no longer has to fit within the constraints of traditional ceremony and I take pride in putting together something memorable, genuine and celebratory for the remaining Family and Friends.


I can tell you that, I absolutely love a great ‘Elopement’ or a ‘Destination Wedding’. If it’s fun, count me in. Your wedding day should be a day to be treasured and remembered. I will listen to what you are envisaging and try my utmost to make this happen for you both. Let’s talk about the where, when and how you envisage this day and settle on an amount together.


There may be extra charges for locations outside the 50 kilometre radius of my address or destinations that incur travel costs and/or accommodation expenses.

An additional fee of $150 per hour will apply for situations such as a late arrival.